The Slaughterhouse has won numerous awards for the sensitively designed conversion of a protected building with a long-established history.

The Slaughterhouse had fulfilled its original use and, having stood vacant for a number of years, needed to be repurposed by a client willing to make a significant investment whilst respecting the unique character and iconic status of the building. The Slaughterhouse was particularly well suited to a conversion to a bar and restaurant due to its location on the waterfront and the opportunity to create a dramatic, statement venue. The demolitions, alterations and new interventions mark a new chapter in the story of the building. All of the architecturally sensitive or unique elements within the complex have either been left undisturbed or preserved and enhanced. Any new element or intervention has been sensitively detailed to be respectful to the existing buildings and features, but at the same time clearly new, so as to allow the history of the building to be easily understood. Due to the age and location of the building significant remedial repairs were required as part of the works. This was particularly true for the roof finishes and timberwork generally. The conversion required the introduction of a significant amount of support and service space, this has been incorporated into the existing structures without having to make significant changes to the sensitive parts of the historic fabric. The use of high quality finishes such as copper, steel, timber and textured plasters draw on and respect the industrial aesthetic of the building, used in such a way as to create a high quality contemporary venue for the people of Guernsey to enjoy. These latest changes are merely another part of the long story of this wonderful old building, giving it a new lease of life, allowing it to be part of our island culture for many years to come.

Tyrrell Dowinton Architects is the trading name of Tyrrell Dowinton Associates Limited. Registered no: 40897