The Guernsey Institute
This new facility will provide a home for The Guernsey Institute and the Sixth Form Centre at Les Ozouets Campus, St Peter Port.

TDA are delighted to be part of the design team of what promises to be a transformational project for the island. It is hoped that the campus will become a destination and place that celebrates learning and culture at the very heart of Guernsey. The scheme incorporates the existing Princess Royal Centre for Performing Arts which will integrate into a new east west main building arranged around a landscaped piazza. The construction and engineering building runs north south incorporating a covered route to the sports building located to the far north. A second piazza sits between the main building and Sixth Form Centre. The campus is structured around the external spaces, creating additional external amenities. The Les Ozouets Campus is an opportunity to inspire a sustainable learning environment that encompasses the dynamic of the island.

Tyrrell Dowinton Architects is the trading name of Tyrrell Dowinton Associates Limited. Registered no: 40897