Tyrrell Dowinton Architects is the trading name of Tyrrell Dowinton Associates Limited. Registered no: 40897

Paul Dowinton
Director, Chartered Architect
BA(Hons) DipArch. RIBA
Having trained at the University of Portsmouth, Paul returned to Guernsey in 1993 and qualified as a Chartered Architect in 1994.
Paul helped develop the architectural department at a large local Chartered Surveying Practice becoming Director of Architecture in 2000. Paul established Tyrrell Dowinton Architects in 2003 with Brian Tyrrell and has seen the Practice develop and expand to the success that it is today.
Paul has had in excess of 35 years experience in the Construction Industry and has worked in both Guernsey and the UK throughout this period.
Paul has worked on a number of large projects including the refurbishment of Beau Sejour Leisure Centre, a number of Guernsey Housing Association projects and, more recently, on the new education campus at Les Ozouets, Guernsey.